Video Short ~ My Dragon Scales from the Cutting of the Leather to a Finished Design

I made this video of the process that I go through to make my Dragon Scales... from the beginning, cutting the hides, to the end when I use them in my latest creation...which...I have recently entered into Etsy's Design Awards!!!! #TheEtsies 🤞🤞🤞



The Etsies or Etsy Design Awards, celebrate the best of Etsy. Eligible sellers can submit a listing from their Etsy shop. One Etsy seller will be named the Etsy Design Award Grand Prize Winner. One Etsy seller will be named the Silver Etsy Design Award Winner, and one will be named the Bronze Etsy Design Award Winner. And there are prizes and publicity!! What designer wouldn't want a piece of that so please send me some prayers and well wishes!! ♥

My entry...

#etsyartist #etsydesigner #womeninbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #womanowned

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