Size Charts and International Conversion Tables

How to Measure Your Finger for Ring Size
Order a Ring Sizer here.
Or, Get Sized at a Jeweler: You can visit your local jeweler for a professional sizing
Is it a Surprise? Using your honey's ring, slide it down a tapered candle and measure the circumference of the candle where the ring stops. Use the chart below to determine the correct ring size.
Tips and Tricks: The best time to measure a finger is at the end of the day when the finger is the largest and not when your fingers are cold. Take at least two measurements for accuracy.
DIY: On the base of the finger you will be wearing your ring, wrap a thin strip of paper or piece of string marking the point where it overlaps with a pen. With a flat ruler measure from the edge of paper or string to the point where you marked. Find the matching size in the chart below.