Momalogue Blog

Pesky Pins & Letting Go

Pesky Pins & Letting Go

I was at a family gathering recently when one of my family members brought up some people from my past that were the cause of a lot of pain and anguish in my life. I thought I was over it but as the conversation continued, anger began to surface. Sigh. In a lovingly manner my brother-in-law said, "just get over it now". At first I was a little miffed for what at the time, felt like a lack of empathy. That was until the next morning when I had received a vision during my mediation and prayer time. This vision has been very helpful so I...

Stuff ~ Too Much or Too Little, Moving Day Will Reveal

moving boxes

Recently, my youngest son and I moved into a new home. As I have been unpacking the many boxes that took me over a month to pack, searching for a proper place in our new home for their contents which has been somewhat frustrating, I got to thinking about "stuff"...collecting stuff, giving stuff away, selling stuff, buying more stuff so we can get rid of the old stuff, squeezing stuff into too small of spaces, buying new spaces to hold the stuff we can't squeeze in to and even...

Life Lessons Learned Through Leather - Lesson 2, The Masterpiece

Life Lessons Learned Through Leather - Lesson 2, The Masterpiece

hand made leather tassels, earrings, bracelet

Life Lessons Learned Through Leather, Lesson Two, The Masterpiece, like Lesson One, The Spec, involves tassel making. As I have written before, I developed my tassel making technique many years ago. I have worked diligently to perfect it, which has been quite the challenge because leather is consistently inconsistent. In the 14 plus years of honing my craft, I have yet to meet two leather hides that are exactly alike. Each has their...

My Thoughts ~ COVID-19

UPDATE: Today is August 12, 2020, almost 5 months since I wrote the entry below. I felt it was time to record what's been going on in my life and art since that last post. This updated entry is on the fly, meaning, I'm typing as I go - it's unrehearsed.

I remember exactly how I felt when Covid broke out and the fear I had initially felt before I knelt in prayer, and before I had written what I did below.  I'm not afraid anymore, and what I wrote below is still very true today. Five months later, I...

Life Lessons Learned Through Leather - Lesson 1, The Spec

Life Lessons Learned Through Leather - Lesson 1, The Spec

LESSON 1 ~ THE SPEC involves tassel making. I noticed a very tiny spec on the portion of the tassel near the loop. When I took a step back I noticed that I had missed something of greater importance  The life lesson I got out of this didn't come until a little later...[more]