Leather Love — how to measure

The Length of Your Bracelet is NOT Your Wrist Measurement ~ 2 Ways to Measure Your Wrist for a Custom Leather Bracelet

The Length of Your Bracelet is NOT Your Wrist Measurement ~ 2 Ways to Measure Your Wrist for a Custom Leather Bracelet

With every custom and semi-custom leather bracelet order received, an accurate wrist measurement is needed. There has been an occasion or two when the measurement that has been provided is not very accurate at all, resulting an email from a disappointed customer. 

The mistake usually doesn't occur in the misreading of a measurement. It's made in the what that had been measured. A customer will measure the length of their favorite and well fitting bracelet, giving to me that measurement as their wrist measurement. But here's the thing, the length of a bracelet is NOT the same as your wrist circumference. They're just not. Since I cannot give...