Leather Love — KUENDE

Wacky Wednesday ~ Vintage Style with an African Twist

I arrived this morning to my humble leather-working abode feeling a wee bit crazed - in a fun way.  So, I decided to pull out the smart phone and take some pix of another wacky outfit (especially my 1980's vintage shoes!) and my leather accessories.

When I sat to go through all the photos, I saw my story unfold through the lens. The joyous and bubbly side of me is apparent in the beginning shots but toward the end, I see someone different - a more mature woman who has endured and overcome.  

Here before you in this blog...

Lisa's Favorite Leather Bracelets - Bunched & Beautiful!

lisa's five most favorite designs - five unique leather bracelets; Kuende, Amari, Yuki, Tyrese, and Powa

This bracelet set is made up of my all time fave of my favorite leather bracelets. I wear this bracelet bunch quite often. In fact, that's my wrist in the photo modeling these leather bracelets, a few of which are original samples made some five (plus) years ago. They age nicely don't you think?  The photo below are what each look like brand spanking new.

You can find each of these bracelets listed individually...

Lovely Bunches of Bracelets

bracelet bunch featuring some favorites; Tyrese Twist Braid, Amari Braided Leather Bracelet, Kuende African Turquoise & Carnelian Bracelet, Yuki slim Braided Bracelet, and Powa African Glass Bead Bracelet

◘ K U E N D E ◘ [growth; evolution]

KUENDE is a Swahili name meaning growth and evolution. In case you're wondering, I do not speak the language. I had to look it up as I do all the names I choose for my leather pieces. Each piece has come to me during particular periods in my life, so I feel each should have their very own identity. Thank God for Google. 

Kuende braided leather bracelet with African Turquoise and Carnelian Stones

The design for KUENDE came to me during a time where I was painfully evolving, experiencing events in...