Leather Love — leather craft
Making My Leather Dragon Scales & my DRAAK Dice Bags
My Dragon Scales are 3-Dimensional – they are not tooled or stamped leather! In the video below, I demonstrate the techniques that I have developed and perfected, and show you a finished work of leather art.

But before you watch, here's a little back story about my Dragon Scales...
I had developed the technique for making my Dragon Scales because of a customer...
Leather & Laughs
I hosted a "Leather & Laughs" event at my shop the other night for Misty and her friends. With my instruction and guided help [more]
How It's Done
One of the designs I am most proud of is my Amari Braided Leather Bracelet. It really is a simple design - no bells and whistles, or bling-bling. A sleek, sexy, hand-braided leather strap hand crafted from the softest leathers; deerskin. What sets this bracelet apart from just about everything I have seen, is its end cap construction. The end caps are beyond durable. Take a look at the video below.