Leather Love
Morgan Wallen's Leather Covered Mic Stand, Custom Leather Art
This is a blog post about a woman (me) living in New Hampshire, who creates with Leather, and is gifted the opportunity to work on a project for 2023's Country Music's Male Artist of the Year, Morgan Wallen. Some will credit luck, others skill, but me, I believe it's God just doing his thing - and boy, do I love it when he does!
When a celeb wears one of your creations...
This is the 2-piece outfit before it was shipped off to her...

The full story and photos from the shoot can be viewed here: Demi Rose
Every Story (and Every Creation) Has a Beginning and an End and a Whole Lot of In Between
What began as a close encounter with a butterfly, ended up becoming inspiration for the art behind a few projects. I'm going to use video and images to help tell my story.
On September 4, 2017, I had found a card that my oldest sister, Dianne, had gifted me in 2005, two years before she had died from Leukemia. On the card front, a handcrafted paper butterfly. Since I can remember, Dianne would always gift me something that had to do with butterflies. She knew how much I loved them.

Christmas 2021 ~ My Hands, My Thoughts, My Wishes

Working through the pain has got me to thinking...how the things we had once complained about in our yesterdays, are the very same things that grow us in strength to handle the things in our tomorrows.
My blisters will callous over and my spirit will toughen...
2021 Holiday Ship By Dates
Hello my Leather Art Lovers!
I would like you to know that I am committed to making sure the leather art creations I make for you are shipped out by the dates set below. However, I cannot control what happens on their way to you and guarantee their timely arrival.
If you're concerned about receiving your order in time for gift giving this Christmas, please upgrade your choice of shipping method accordingly.
Thank you, and MERRY Christmas to you...